Alabama Open Horseman Association
Alabama Open Horseman Association

Open Horse Show Judge List
Open Horse Show Judge List
Horse clubs all over Alabama are in need of judges for their open horse shows. This list is being compiled to help make the search for a judge easier on the show organizers. Open shows routinely include Halter, English, Western, and Gaited judged classes.
Please submit your contact information, and for the description area include items such as your experience and any qualifiers that you would like to make known.
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Scotty Aulds
Farmerville, LA
Experience judging western, english and gaited classes. I am on the Mississippi Open Horse Show Approved Judge list. I am a CHA Level 4 ACI Instructor. Experience showing at AQHA, NRHA, APHA shows. Winner of many NRHA state titles and affiliate finals qualifiers, AQHA Open All Around and APHA Top 5 Award. Also available for schooling clinics and CHA student and instructor certification clinics.
Zane Bates
Addison, AL
Have shown AOHA, AQHA, and POA with numerous state, regional, and national wins. Have plenty of knowledge with halter, western pleasure, and gaited horses. References available. Reasonable prices.
Denise Bell
Birmingham, AL
I have shown AQHA and local shows for more than 35 years. My specialty is WP, Hunter under saddle, halter, showmanship, trail, and equitation. I have extensive knowledge with Walking and Racking horses and classes too. I have judged local shows for the past 5 years and thoroughly enjoy meeting new contestants and giving them my knowledge and opinion when asked. If you need references I have plenty. Thank you!
Nikki Bonner
Newton, AL
Currently a carded judge with OHSA. Have state all the way up to world titles. Currently training halter, pleasure and English horses. Have been a professional for 12 years. Currently booking judging jobs for the new show season. I am willing to travel and very competitive pricing.
Dannie Lowrey Bradford
Jasper, TN
Graduated with a Masters of Science in Horse Science from MTSU. I am a CHA certified instructor. Have experience showing Quarter, Walking, Racking, and Spotted Saddle Horses. Experience judging open and 4-H horse shows. References available upon request.
David Brewer
Monteagle, TN
I have been a professional horseman for over 20 years and have trained and shown numerous state and national champions in AQHA and POA. I have been judging 4H, local and state shows during this time and hold a judges card with the POAC as well as national inspector status. I have also judged TWHBEA & SSHBEA shows. References and transcript available upon request. www.morninstarfarmpoas.com
William Butler
Springfield, TN
I have cards for ARHA, ASHA. I also judge a lot of open shows.
Dr. Courtney Heaton
LaFayette, AL
I am the equine sciences lecturer at Auburn University. I have 11 years of collegiate horse judging experience including being a team member at Texas A&M University and coaching the horse judging teams at Texas A&M and Mississippi State Universities. I have judged numerous open and 4-H shows including gaited classes. References are available upon request.
Carolyn Johnson
Ringgold, GA
I have shown, trained and coached all disciplines of English and Western Riding at QH events. For 30 plus years I have brought students to excel from local 4-H and open shows to the Quarter Horse Congress and World Shows. AQHA Professional Horseman, AQHA Life Member, AQHA Carded Judge since 2008, NSBA Carded Judge since 2019. Since moving to Georgia in 2008, I have judged all level of competitions at AQHA, IHSA, IEA, YEDA, 4-H and open competitions. I am also available for clinics at your facility. Thank you for your consideration.
Abby Kelse
Calera, AL
I have several years experience showing Racking & Quarter Horses. I have shown in Halter, Showmanship, Horsemanship, Trail, Western Pleasure, English Pleasure and Racking Classes. I have judged fun shows and club shows. My husband and I own PK Ranch in Calera AL where we Board, Train, Have a Lesson Program & Host Events. Please feel free to contact me for more information & references.
Wendy Lopez
Reddick, FL
Certified Open Horse Show judge through North Carolina State University and carded with POA. I will travel to Alabama, Georgia, Florida and South Carolina. Honest and Fair.
Michael Lynch
Tuscaloosa, AL
Gaited horse expert with emphasis on Walking seat and saddle seat equitation and halter preparation. have shown successfully in Racking and performance Walking horses as well as Pleasure walkers. Tennessee walking horse and american saddlebred breeder. Cards held: Cards Held: Pride HIO (TWH).OHSA, UKSMHA, UMHA and USEF Saddle Seat Equitation. Judging philosphy is very simple. The correctly gaited horses giving the most consistent ride both ways in the correct division will always place at the top of my cards. Known for giving an oral critique at the horse shows of why I tied a class a certain way. Have judged from CA to AL, Canada to South Africa and Peru.No show is too big nor too small for me to attend! Currently run a small breeding program of Spotted Saddle Horses and Walking horses and still teach equitation.Very user friendly and hands on before the show and afterwards.
Hannah Padgett
Moulton, AL
Experienced judge with Morgan's, American Saddlebreds, Hackney Ponies, Road Horses, Friesians, National Show Horses and Quarter Horses. Judged several open shows as well as USEF shows for Saddlebreds, Hackney Ponies, Roadsters and Equitation. Have been judging open shows with Western Pleasure, English, In Hand and Racking Classes. Hold a National Racking Horse Association Senior Judges Card.
Ricky Strain-Smith
Crossville, TN
I have over 20 years experience judging. I am a carded POAC judge and have judged numerous open and 4H shows throughout Tennessee, Alabama and Kentucky. I showed AQHA as a youth and amateur. References available.
Julie Steinmetz-Usoff
Jacksonville, FL
I have shown, coached and trained students for both English and Western events from 4-H/Open shows level thru Congress and World shows. I am the head coach for the University of North Florida Equestrian Team, as well as coach for one of the first Florida YEDA Teams. I have been judging for over 25 years. Carded with ARHA, WPCSA, GVHS & TGCA. I have judged all over the US as well as Canada and south America. I also have experience judging Gaited & Saddle Seat Classes. I have shown AQHA for over 30 years. Member of the AQHA Professional Horseman’s Association. References available.
Cori Sweet
Mobile, AL
15+ years of horse experience. Competed in AOHA, AQHA, Open, and 4H, and have won multiple championships through these associations and shows. I have experience showing and judging, halter, showmanship, hunter under saddle, equitation, horsemanship, western pleasure, and ranch events. Placed in top 5 in Mississippi state judging competition, two years in a row.
Taylor Thayer
Addison, AL
Extensive knowledge and experience showing and training world quality AQHA All Around horses with a specialization in Western Pleasure, Hunter Under Saddle, Horsemanship, Equitation, Showmanship, and Halter. Including top placing at prestigious horse shows such as NSBA World Show, AQHA World Show, and the All American Quarter Horse congress over the last 10 years. Experience judging the gaited horses as well! References available.
Haley Trimm
Gadsden, AL
I have experience with the all-around, excelling in halter, showmanship, horsemanship, ranch riding, and pleasure. I have shown AOHA for 12+ years and receiving top 5 and top 10 at the AOHA State Show in several classes throughout the years. I have also shown AQHA for 5+ years and qualified for the Level 1 Championships and received Class Champion Awards multiple times.
Jaclyn Vaden
I have judged shows in North Alabama, I would like to judge, again.
I hold 3 cards, judge every discipline, 22+ years experience, excellent references. Thank you for your consideration.
Haden Walker
Lincoln, AL
I have been around the AOHA, AQHA, PHBA and APHA my whole life, with 15 years combined knowledge. Showing, training, and judging with multiple state and regional titles to my name; specializing in Wester Pleasure, Halter, Showmanship, and Western Riding. I thoroughly enjoy seeing and meeting new contestants all over and seeing the AOHA and horse industry in general grow. Multiple references available upon request.
Mike Watson
Stockton, AL
25+ years experience, training, fitting, competing, and judging... Currently judged points director for GCA.
Jamie Wright
Scottsboro, AL
Phone: 256-599-3070
20 plus years of show experience in all levels. I have shown at open AQHA, PHBA, APHA and IBHA shows.I have judged open shows for many years. I am knowledgable in Halter, Wetsern, English and Gaited events.
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