Alabama Open Horseman Association
Alabama Open Horseman Association
37th Annual State Championship Horse Show
August 30 - September 1, 2024
Friday August 30, 2024 ~ 9:00 A.M.
Garrett Coliseum
Montgomery, Alabama
To compete, contestants must register for the Championship Horse Show through their local chartered or associate association after successful participation in the shows in their association. Only the top horses from those associations may register to enter the Show. Classes are open to all breeds of horse and pony; for youth and adults; and classes range from halter, to timed events, to English and Western pleasure, to Gaited horse. Presented awards are buckles, plaques, trophies, and saddles.
Gaited Classes $30 each
Timed Event Classes $25 each
Western/English Classes $25 each
Grounds Fee $40 per horse (required & stall is provided)
Tack Stall $100
Gate Ticket $5 for all over age 6 (good for the whole weekend!)
Golf Cart Permit $10 (Golf carts not provided - must bring your own golf cart or work type utility vehicle.)
NO: 4 or 3-wheelers (ATVs), mopeds, motorcycles, bicycles, scooters (gas, manual or electric) or RAZOR type UTV's.
All approved vehicles must be operated by a licensed driver and must have a permit from AOHA
Pony Measurements:
Between the beef & dairy barns across from the horse entrance to Garrett Coliseum:
Friday, August 30th - 6:00 - 7:30 AM
Saturday, August 31st - 6:00 - 7:30 AM